Catrin and Seckou's SOAR Nominated for fRoots Critic Poll Album of the Year 2018
We've just heard that our second release on bendigedig, Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita's second album SOAR - has been nominated for the fRoots Critics Poll Album of the Year 2018! Catrin and Seckou’s debut album, Clychau Dibon, won fRoots Critics Poll Album of the Year back in 2013. Best of luck guys!
Rydym newydd glywed fod ein hail albwm i’w ryddhau ar bendigedig, sef SOAR ail albwm Catrin Finch a Seckou Keita - wedi ei enwebu ar gyfer Albwm y Flwyddyn Pleidlais y Beirniaid fRoots 2018! Enillodd eu halbwm début, Clychau Dibon, Albwm y Flwyddyn Pleidlais y Beirniaid fRoots yn ôl yn 2013. Pob lwc i chi’ch dau!
Read more on the nominations and the award on fRoots new website here: