Announcing our next release - the new album from The Rheingans Sisters!

We're delighted to let you know that our next release on bendigedig will be the remarkable new album from BBC Radio 2 Folk Award winners The Rheingans Sisters, which releases worldwide on 23rd October 2020. Click here to visit their Kickstarter campaign and to hear more about it.
Press and media please contact Tamsin Davies for further details as they become available.
Yr albwm nesaf byddwn yn ei ryddhau fydd yr albwm newydd hynod gan enillwyr Gwobr Werin BBC Radio 2, The Rheingans Sisters, yn cael ei ryddhau ledled y byd ar 23 Hydref 2020. Cliciwch yma i ymweld â'u hymgyrch Kickstarter ac i glywed mwy amdano.
Ar gyfer y wasg a'r cyfryngau, cysylltwch â Tamsin Davies i gael mwy o fanylion.